Quickest Path to Yes…or even no

There is something special about being a trusted consultant to our clients. Often we hear, “I did not even know that was possible”. To that we grin and get more excited for a number of reasons. 2 that come to mind first are 1. We are getting closer to a yes and 2. We just got a chance to teach you something.

Every salesperson is looking to get a yes from their client as fast as possible. We are all on sales quotas and as much as we like what we do and love consulting you on the industry, we don’t work for free. That statement is not meant to be harsh, rather it’s to make clear we don’t make much off our base. We make the bulk of our money by making you happy.

There are a lot of egos that that lie in the DNA of successful salespeople. Not only for making the dollar but also making you the hero. So often we get a bad wrap for having our own agenda. We do have an agenda, but it is not malicious nor are we trying to gouge you. We are trying to get you to your goals though a straight line (quickest way from A to B) so you may achieve your goals as fast as possible.

So I ask, what is the quickest path to yes to you the buyer?

Far too often, we get:

  • “still working on it”
  • “no time to work on it”
  • “stuck in finance”
  • “my boss hasn’t gotten back to me”
  • or the dreaded – radio silence (black hole for job seekers)

We understand we are not your only job and you have a ton to do. We also realize decisions don’t always lie with you alone. I just ask, let us help you get to the yes decision quicker so we can all rest better and move on to the next stage of our relationship and quite frankly our day. I am quite sure you’d rather move on as well. Let’s just set timelines and next steps to have a roadmap to yes.

Think about yesterday when you went into your boss’ office to ask for a raise, PTO or an update on your ideas. It may have been the 3rd or 4th time you went into ask her. How did you feel each time when she said, “not now” or “it’s stuck in finance”? We understand that you are people first

Having this empathy for you, we don’t take it personal when you don’t have an answer or you may sound upset with us for asking for one. You and I both have someone to answer to, so we get it. Let us know how we can help.

Quick story – A friend of mine did everything he could to close a deal by the end of the quarter before it lapsed. He of course forecasted it and had quota on the deal. The client said, at every call and email as long as 45 days out from when the deal was to close, “we’re good, I just have to get it signed off”. She also claimed she was traveling and could not get to it until she returned. Of which my friend then received radio silence upon her return.

To wrap up this story up, remember she said she had to get it signed off? Well on the final day, my friend reached out to her boss who said, “I had no clue about this deal and never saw it”. To the dismay of my friend, it never closed.

Remember my friendly buyers, as much as we love and want a yes, we can take a no better than radio silence. We still expect to bring the deal in if we don’t get a no. If you know it is most likely a no, please don’t spare our feelings. We can take it, albeit hard on our quota.

I only ask the favor to please just coach us on why it is a no because maybe there is something we may have missed and by all means, there is a chance we can both leave with a smile…and quite possibly we may have a better alternative to what you thought we did not do.

~The Organic Recruiter

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